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Santos Family on the road

Welcome to our blog.

We are the Santos family and we love traveling to different places. We hope you will find inspiration here to get out and explore the world as well. We will share many ideas on where to go, what to eat, places to stay, and much more.

There are many different cultures in the world, so travel and learn as much as you can about them.

Travel and learn as much as you can about the other cultures that you’re visiting. It’s a great way to see how different people live and what their traditions are like. You don’t need to go on a grand tour or spend thousands of dollars; there are many ways to travel cheaply, including wild camping (for nature lovers), Couchsurfing (, volunteering or joining a hostel in the city where you want to stay overnight instead of staying at an expensive hotel every night!

Traveling will open your eyes and make you more aware of the world around us all—and it won't break the bank either!


The United States is a country with many food cultures, and one of them is Mexican food. Most people don't realize that Route 66 was named after Mexico's national highway, which goes from the southern tip of Texas to its western border with California. In fact, there are many signs along this route that indicate "taco" or "fajita" as an option for dining.

But what about other types of ethnic cuisines? You can find them all over America—from Chinese restaurants to Italian eateries and everything in between! The options are endless when it comes to finding something delicious at every turn; just be sure not to miss out on those homemade desserts because they're always worth trying first!


Europe is the best place to be. It's full of beautiful people, amazing culture and food, and it's easy to travel around.

We've been to many countries around Europe and we will share all about it here.


When you travel to Brazil you won't want to leave it. Great food, amazing people and so much to see and do. Brazil is a big country with many different cultures and customs, so it will give you an opportunity to learn about them.

If you plan on traveling there for more than two weeks, I recommend booking your flight early. You can find cheap flights if you book early enough!

Why travel?

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Travel exposes us to different cultures, new people and traditions and through these authentic encounters, we learn to embrace and celebrate both our similarities and our differences. Travel teaches us about humanity and gives us an appreciation, understanding and such respect for different points of view and ways of life.

Let's go, it's time to go discover the world...

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